What We Offer
How Quantile® Measures Fit Into State Departments of Education Plans & Programs
When a state department of education is interested in incorporating the Quantile Framework for Mathematics into its statewide assessments and instructional programs, we offer many different ways to work together.
Learn about:
Linking Your State Assessment to Quantile Measures
You can link any state assessment with Quantile Framework. Assessments that report Quantile measures can be used by educators and parents to personalize learning for students. Because Quantile measures are on a single scale from primary through secondary mathematics, they can also be used to track student progress over time.
To link your state math assessment, our team of skilled psychometricians and researchers works with you and your testing contractor to recruit a sample of students to participate in the study. Once data is collected and the study is performed, our team delivers a technical report that provides the Quantile conversion table and summarizes the analysis.
When the report is approved and a signed licensing agreement is in place, you can begin reporting Quantile measurements from your state assessments. If your state is working with an assessment publisher whose test reports Quantile measures, you already have access to Quantile measures for your students.
Thought-Leadership Partners
As the leading education authority in your state, we can help you provide data and guidance on tasks such as setting proficiency standards.
Implementation Assistance
We help state departments of education connect what is happening at the state level with what is happening in classrooms. And we have a team ready to help you implement Quantile measures and a Toolkit that provides:
- Introductory guide to help state education agency staff understand the Quantile Framework.
- Communication resources, including templates for score reports, website descriptions, press releases and more.
- Video resources for educators to help them get started in the Lexile® & Quantile® Hub (educators in partner states receive free, premium access to the Hub and all its tools).
We Are Here to Help
We partner with state departments of education for consulting and ongoing support:
- Assistance in state-level outreach to publishers and education companies requesting Quantile measures.
- Two annual information sessions for state-sponsored or co-sponsored events for stakeholders such as regional education centers, the business community, school administrators, school librarians, math teachers, school guidance counselors, and/or parents.
- MetaMetrics roundtable discussions and webinars. This series of discussions engages state education leaders to share tools and resources.
- MetaMetrics’ States Quantile Brief. State leaders, identified by you, will receive e-newsletters which promote your state’s use of Quantile measures.
Want to Talk?
Complete our form to receive more information about using the Quantile Framework at the state department of education.