Get and Use Quantile® Measures
Incorporate Quantile Measures Into Your Math Materials
Add Quantile measures to your textbooks, digital products or resources to make them even more valuable tools for personalizing learning. When a Quantile student measure matches a Quantile skill and concept measure, teachers can quickly and easily find “just right” resources that fit the student’s needs. Incorporate Quantile measures into math materials such as textbook lessons, problem sets, instructional materials, lesson plans and web games.
For more information about how we can help, check out our Quantile Consulting & Development Services flyer.
Service Helps Educators Find the Right Place in Your Math Content
Matching students’ differing abilities to the right place in your content is challenging for educators. The Quantile® Sequencing Service allows content developers and digital learning companies to direct teachers to exactly where a struggling student needs to begin in your content to learn a particular skill or concept.
When students hit gaps in their math learning, it can be frustrating for them and daunting for their teacher who must then figure out how to fill those knowledge gaps – taking time and resources. The Quantile Sequencing Service connects the dots between where struggling students are and where they need to be in your math content.
Learn how the Quantile Sequencing Service can work for you.
Want to Talk?
Complete our form to receive more information about adding Quantile measures to your math textbook, instructional materials and more.