Vocabulary of Core Reading Programs - MetaMetrics Inc.
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The word lists created for “The Vocabulary of Core Reading Programs” (Graves, Elmore, and Fitzgerald) are available for non-commercial use. To learn more about the lists and how they were created, read The Elementary School Journal article.

These word lists include:

  • Types in the Programs: A list of all the types (individual word forms) in the programs ordered by frequency. It shows the frequency of each type by grade level and for all six grade levels.
  • Level 1 Word Families in the Programs: A list of all the Level 1 word families in the programs ordered by family frequency. It shows the frequency of each word family by grade level and for all six grade levels.
  • Frequent Word Families: A list of the Level 1 word families in the programs that are also on The First 4,000 Words list, ordered from the most frequent family to the least frequent family.
  • General Utility Word Families: A list of the Level 1 word families in the programs that have been identified as general utility families, ordered from the most frequent family to the least frequent family.
  • Challenging General-Utility Word Families: A set of six lists, each of which lists Level 1 word families identified as both challenging and general-utility at one of the six grade levels in the programs. The families in each list are alphabetically ordered.


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