Staff Spotlight: Lisa Bickel - MetaMetrics Inc.
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Staff Spotlight: Lisa Bickel

Here at MetaMetrics, we have over 80 incredible team members, from engineers to product managers to marketing specialists. In our new series, Staff Spotlight, we’re taking the time to introduce and celebrate several of these outstanding staff members.

This week, we’re featuring Lisa Bickel. Lisa has been at MetaMetrics for the past 5 years, but has been in math product development for years. She hails from Hendersonville, North Carolina and is a vibrant member of our team.

How long have you been at MetaMetrics?

I’ve been at MetaMetrics for almost 5 years.

What are your responsibilities within the MetaMetrics team?

As VP of Strategic Partnerships, Quantile, my job is to book assessment development and linking studies with commercial math partners.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

I’ve been in this new role since mid-January and it seems there are no typical weeks! I could be attending an ed tech conference one week to meet with potential clients or doing a Quantiles 101 webinar for possible partners the next week. Daily activities can include things like gathering information for proposals, updating the Pipeline and weighing in on marketing materials..

What kind of work did you do before coming to MetaMetrics?

My career has been focused on math product development, which helps tremendously when talking with our potential partners who are mostly math product developers. I’ve also done product teacher training and product sales in the past.

Describe the company culture at MetaMetrics and what it means to you.

I’m at MetaMetrics for two reasons — I love the people here and I like not ever having to do anything stupid! Everything I do in my job is for a good purpose and for a good reason.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

Math textbook author Ron Larson from Big Ideas Learning. I worked for him for 13 years and he shaped my abilities to understand and develop math products.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Dedicated, hard-working and loyal.

Feel free to share anything else you’d like as well.

In addition to my responsibilities at MetaMetrics, I am a baker. I love making my little Pixie Pies and other goodies for our coffee shop run by my husband David. Check it out:
I also have a sweet Yorkie named Bella.